
28 August 2007

I have an addiction, a blog addiction. The funny thing is that I am not a blogger but I love to read other peoples blogs, it doesn't even matter to me if I know them or not. During my recent 'Blog Blast' I chanced upon my sister-in-law Amy's blog and found that she had in fact linked to my blog...yikes! Like I said I am not a blogger but I feel I am being challenged to have one...ha! No really it might be fun so we'll see how it goes... and if anyone even reads it!!

I just started school again at USU, and feel I am on the slow descent towards graduation!! It feels good to be here.


  1. WHEN DID YOU GET A BLOG AND NOT TELL ANYONE??? :) I can't believe you've left your blog open for the anonymous comments either. Shame, shame. Haha! Just kidding. I'm pretty sure mine allows anonymous people too.

    Welcome to the blogging world! I need to update mine...I need a home first.

  2. Anonymous people are welcome, just kidding we will see how it goes. Thanks for the need to post!

  3. HOOOOOSH there it is!!!

    BOOO YEAH Tor is blogging. I LOVES IT.

    You will be all graduated so soon!
